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AP* Music Theory

Auralia® & Musition® provide AP* Music Theory exam support materials mapped to the CED.
Students receive instant feedback and can practice on almost any device.  Try out the sample APMT Sample Exam and register for a trial.

APMT Sample Exam

Four-Part Writing

Musition now includes four-part writing with automatic assessment!

This feature can save you loads of time (no more marking) and give your students clear, annotated feedback to guide their learning.

There are tons of included questions, beginning with simple V-I resolutions, through to chromatic progressions.

Easily add your own progressions in the Library and create a variety of different four-part writing question types based on your pedagogical needs.

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Four-part Writing

Singing Assessment

Auto-assessed and manually assessed singing drills can support what students do in the classroom, but also allow them to practice in the privacy of their own home without fear of ‘singing in front of their peers’.

  • Sight singing
  • Interval, scale and chord singing
  • Pitch, interval and chord imitation

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Sight Singing

Free Response Questions

Students can practice using large banks of questions that are modeled on the exam and draw from the curriculum content in the CED.

  • FR 1/2: Melodic Dictation - Including questions with a single chromatic note (the raised 4th)
  • FR 3/4: Harmonic Dictation & Soprano/Bass Dictation - Based on the harmonic vocabulary in the exam, including applied chords
  • FR 5: Four-Part Writing from figured bass
  • FR 6: Four-Part Writing
  • FR 7: Two-part composition

Free Response Questions

Multiple-Choice Questions

Exam specific questions using real audio recordings and scores:

  • Chord, scale, rhythm, melody and interval comparison
  • Error detection
  • Cadences
  • Non-harmonic tones
  • Compositional Devices
  • Contextual listening
  • Part writing errors
  • Score analysis
  • Harmonic analysis
  • Diatonic Chords
  • Applied Chords
  • Figured Bass

Motivic DevicesError Detection

Syllabus Support

Students also have access to comprehensive lessons and support drills that help them to build the knowledge to successfully navigate the exam.

The supporting syllabus includes levels that are mapped directly to the CED providing clear learning pathways for students and instructors.

Let's Go

Please get in touch to discuss your curriculum requirements and request an Auralia & Musition trial.

Free School Trial

*AP is a registered trademark of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.