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Rhythm Dictation

Enter the rhythm on a score.

  • Notes & rests up to 32nd notes
  • 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 6/8, 7/8 etc
  • Tuplets & syncopation

Meter Recognition

Identify the time signature of a rhythm or a melody.

Pulse Tapping

Tap back the rhythm played.

Rhythm Comparison

Identify alterations between two rhythms played.

Rhythm Elements

Identify the rhythm pattern played.

Two-Part Rhythmic Dictation

Enter the rhythms on a score, two parts!

Rhythm Dictation

Rhythm Element Dictation

Identify the rhythm played using rhythmic blocks.

Rhythm Imitation

Tap back the rhythm played.

Rhythm Styles

Identify the style of the short musical excerpt.

Intervals & Scales

Scale Singing

Sing the notes of a certain scale shown on screen.

  • Scales ascending and descending
  • Modes ascending and descending
  • Starting note within vocal range or fixed

Interval Comparison

Identify which interval is larger or smaller.

Interval Imitation

Sing the interval that is played or shown on screen.

Interval Recognition

Identify an interval using a piano keyboard or guitar fretboard.

Interval Singing

Sing the second note of a required interval shown on screen.

Jazz Scales

Identify jazz scales shown on screen using a piano keyboard or guitar fretboard.

Scale Comparison

Jazz Scale Singing

Sing the notes of a certain jazz scale shown on screen.


Identify scales shown on screen using a piano keyboard or guitar fretboard.


Listen to the extract and identify if it is major or minor.

Harmony & Form

Part Dictation

Transcribe the notes of a 4 part harmonic progression including basic chords and inversions.

  • Transcribe single or multiple parts
  • Chords I through VII
  • 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, from 1 to 8 bars

Advanced Part Dictation

Transcribe the notes of a 4 part harmonic progression including chromatic and mixture chords.

Advanced Progressions

Identify the chord, quality & position of a 4 part

Chord Progressions

Identify the chord, quality & position of a 4 part harmonic progression.


Identify the played cadences with or without a preceding melody.

Melodic Motion

Identify the melodic motion - similar. oblique, parallel or contrary.

Pop Chord Progressions

Identify the chord, quality & position of a pop harmonic progression.

Part & Harmonic Dictation


You are asked to identify the form of the melody.

Jazz Forms

You are asked to identify the form of the short piece played.

Jazz Progressions

Identify the progression played by entering the individual chords, or from multiple choice.


Identify the type of modulation or the final key of the two part example played.

Pitch & Melody

Melodic Dictation

Enter the played melody on a score.

  • Treble & Bass clef
  • Lessons with notation & playback
  • Ledger lines & accidentals

Absolute Pitch

Identify the exact notes that have been played, or the frequency (if waves are used). You may also be asked to sing back a given note, in a certain octave.

Atonal Melodic Dictation

Enter the played atonal melody on a score.


Identify the contour of the excerpt, monophone and homophonic excepts are used.

Counterpoint Singing

Sing the upper or lower notes of the short two part phrase played.

Melodic Comparison

Identify alterations between two melodies played.

Note Recognition

Sing the individual notes of a two or three note chord played.

Two Part Melodic Dictation

Enter the played melody on a score, two parts!

Melodic Dictation

Pitch Comparison

Compare the pitch of two notes and identify if the second note is higher, lower or the same as the first.

Pitch Dictation

Identify the pitch of each note in a melody played by clicking the notes in on the staff or selecting the scale degree for each note.

Pitch Imitation

Sing back the note played.

Sight Singing

Sing back a melody using your microphone.


Compare the two notes and identify if the second note is sharp, flat or in tune.


Work Identification

What is the name of the played piece?

Composer Identification

Who composed the played work?

Ensemble Identification

What type of ensemble played the work?

Ensemble Identification

Musical Elements


Recognise the type of articulation in a played extract.


Identify dynamics and changes in dynamics.


Identify changes of tempo.

Texture & Density

Recognise the texture and changes in texture.

Compositional Devices

Identify the compositional device.

Texture & Density