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Designed for Universities

Complete Content

A complete solution with 120 topics, each with carefully scaffolded levels, curriculum and courses. Instant feedback ensures engagement and rapid student progress.

Tasks & Assessments

Easily assign worksheets and quizzes, automatically assessed with instant student feedback. Run placement exams and assessments, with results seamlessly flowing into your gradebook.


Create questions using your favourite melodies and rhythms to perfectly suit your curriculum and students. Import audio, notation, images and YouTube links.


The new Theory & Aural I Drills (found under Courses in Auralia & Musition) are a series of carefully scaffolded assignments to build mastery in music fundamentals and musicianship.

Students benefit from instant feedback whilst working at their own pace. Instructors can quickly pull up summary reports showing student progress, with no grading to be done!

Theory & Aural I - IV

Auralia and Musition includes practice syllabi and automatically assessed worksheets that align with ear training and theory I-IV courses. From diatonic harmony to chromatic chords, and modulation, through to post tonal concepts, Auralia and Musition supports your students over 4+ semesters.

Four-part writing with automatic assessment

Musition includes four-part writing with automatic assessment, saving you loads of time (no more marking) and providing your students with clear, annotated feedback to guide their learning.  

This feature supports diatonic progressions through to chromatic harmony and modulation and can be fully customized to match your teaching methodology. 

  • Parallel Unison/5ths/8ves
  • Hidden 5ths/8ves
  • Leading tone resolution
  • Chordal 7th preparation & resolution
  • Chord Spelling including doubling & omissions
  • Voice crossing & overlapping
  • Range & spacing
  • Unequal 5ths & cross relations
  • Illegal melodic intervals
  • and more...


First Species Counterpoint

Second Species Counterpoint

With Musition's second species counterpoint assessment feature, your students can practice their 2:1 counterpoint writing and get immediate annotated feedback to guide their learning. Musition includes multiple assessment rulesets (Permissive, moderate & strict) but you can also create your own grading and scoring rubrics. You can also create your own cantus firmi and custom questions.

Popular Music & Diversity

Auralia and Musition include over 800 new questions based around works by women composers and composers of colour. Including compositions by Louise Farrenc, Emilie Mayer, Louise Reichardt, Joseph Bologne, and Robert Dett amongst others.

These questions have been integrated into our college fundamentals and Theory & Aural I - IV sequences, including practice syllabi, and over 100 worksheets. The aligned theory and aural content provides 15 week learning pathways for your students. 

There is also a growing number of pop and jazz based questions in Auralia and Musition.. perfect for expanding the breadth of your curriculum.

  • Pop harmonic dictation
  • Pop Form (coming soon)
  • World Music content (coming soon)
  • Jazz Arranging - Mechanical Voicings
  • Jazz Harmonic Dictation

University Curriculum

Auralia & Musition provide comprehensive ear training and theory units for Fundamentals and Theory & Aural I - IV courses.  With thousands of questions drawing from the literature, including 900+ questions based on compositions by women composers and composers of colour students can practice key skills within a real, musical context, anywhere on any device.

We also a feature a series of carefully scaffolded assignments to build mastery in Music Fundamentals and Musicianship.  These feature adaptive learning technology, ensuing that every student is working at their optimum level.


This syllabus provides support for a 15 week college fundamentals of music course, with separate theory and aural skills courses.

Auralia PDF Musition PDF

Theory & Aural I

This syllabus provides support for a 15 week Theory & Aural I course, with separate theory (Musition) and aural skills (Auralia) courses.

Auralia PDF Musition PDF

Theory & Aural II

This syllabus provides support for a 15 week Theory & Aural II course, with separate theory (Musition) and aural skills (Auralia) courses.

Auralia PDF Musition PDF

Theory & Aural III

This syllabus provides support for a 15 week Theory & Aural III course, with separate theory (Musition) and aural skills (Auralia) courses.

Auralia PDF Musition PDF

Theory & Aural IV

This syllabus provides support for a 15 week Theory & Aural IV course, with separate theory (Musition) and aural skills (Auralia) courses.

Auralia PDF Musition PDF

Post Tonal

This syllabus provides support for a post-tonal course, with separate theory (Musition) and aural skills (Auralia) units.

Auralia PDF Musition PDF