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Music First Pre-linked Worksheets

The Music First Classroom now features loads of pre-linked Auralia & Musition First worksheets including music fundamentals, musicianship, popular music, and key stage 3 (UK).

If you have an existing MFC and Auralia/Musition First subscription, you can login and browse to Content>MusicFirst Library, and then select Music Theory.  Here you will find the Auralia & Musition First: Quizzes & WorksheetsPopular Music: Auralia & Musition and Key Stage 3 UK: Auralia & Musition courses.  Simply choose one and select 'Use Course Now' to add the content to your classes. And if you have a full Auralia/Musition subscription through the MFC, then you can also access our pre-linked AP Music Theory content.

If you're yet to explore the MFC, please get in touch with our good friends at Music First for a free trial.