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Sight Singing & Recording

Now your students can record and submit audio assessments directly in Auralia®!

This is perfect for sight singing drills, keyboard and piano tests, plus developing imitation and improvisation skills.  You could even use it for submitting performance recordings (entrance exams etc), sight-reading or sight-transposition questions.

Have your students practice their choir parts whilst hearing the other parts as an accompaniment, improvise a solo over a 12-bar blues, or sing the root notes of a chord progression.

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  • Sight Singing
  • Sight Reading
  • Keyboard and piano tests
  • Performance recordings
  • Imitate - call and response
  • Transposition
  • 2-part counterpoint singing
  • Practice choir parts
  • Sing or perform with a 'backing track'
  • Improvise over a chord progression
  • Memory skills
  • Clap the beat to an audio recording

Question Modes

Play or Sing

Simply have your students sing a displayed score. This could be a scale, chord, interval or a melody.  A tonic reference and a metronome count in can be provided.  If enabled by the instructor, students can have multiple attempts, and listen back to their answer before submitting.

Play or Sing

Play or Sing Along

In this mode, students can sing along to any kind of notation or audio based accompaniment. This could be a melody with a simple piano accompaniment, or perhaps the upper part of a two-part melody, or the bass line of a four-part chorale. Or students could record themselves singing their favourite pop song along with a backing track, improvising over a blues progression, or laying down a guitar riff to a drum groove.

Solfege Matrix


Have your students respond to Auralia and play, sing or clap back a short melody or rhythm.  Get students to play back a guitar riff, bass line, or a 'lick'.  Or perhaps improvise a 'response' to a played melody.  The source material can be a notation file or audio file which may be drawn directly from the library, or imported.

Imitate Melody

Timed Questions

When you assign these questions to your students in a worksheet, you can set a timer on the entry, giving each student a restricted amount of time to view any notation and then submit their answer.

Student audio submissions can be assessed in the Grading area, allowing you to assign a mark and provide feedback for your students.


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Ear Training & Musicianship

Auralia and Musition® provide a complete ear training and musicianship platform for High Schools and Universities.

Thousands of instantly graded questions using works from the literature, women composers, YouTube and composers of colour.
Integrated curriculum, quizzes, lessons & assessments.

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Ear Training Highlights

  • Curriculum: High School & Middle School
  • Curriculum: Music Fundamentals
  • Curriculum: Theory & Aural I - IV
  • Scales, chords, intervals, tuning
  • Melodic, rhythmic & harmonic dictation
  • Sight singing & rhythm reading
  • Error detection & part dictation
  • Atonal and diverse musical works
  • Worksheets & exams, easy customization


Gradebook LMS Integration

Auralia & Musition are easily integrated with Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, Brightspace, MusicFirst and many others.  Singlle Sign On and Gradbook support.

Quizzes & Exams

Deliver weekly ear training worksheets, quizzes, placement exams and formal assessments. Automatic assessment will save you hours of grading time and provides instant feedback for your students.


Customize the platform to suit your curriculum needs. Copy and edit the provided content or create your own questions and syllabi. Import audio, notation, images and YouTube links.

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Aural Fundamentals

Auralia makes ear training easy with topics and questions that cover all key areas!

  • Intervals & Scales Tonality, scale singing, intervals
  • Chords Recognition, singing, imitation, comparison
  • Pitch & melody Contour, melodic dictation, tuning
  • Rhythm Dication, meter, two-part dictation, tapping
  • Harmony & Form Cadences, harmonic dictation, modulation
  • Repertoire Work, composer & ensemble ID
  • Musical Elements Dynamics, compositional devices, articulation

Students benefit from instant feedback whilst working at their own pace.  Instructors can quickly pull up summary reports showing student progress, with no grading to be done!


Ear Training I - IV

Auralia includes practice syllabi and automatically assessed worksheets that align with ear training I-IV courses. From diatonic harmony to chromatic chords, and modulation, through to post tonal concepts, Auralia supports your students over 4+ semesters.

  • Sight singing
  • Chromatic harmony
  • Melodic dictation
  • Harmonic dictation & modulation
  • Post-tonal

Ear Training I-IV

Diversify your curriculum

Expand your curriculum offering with the great new diversity content and features in Auralia and Musition

  • Works by women composers
  • Works by composers of color
  • Pop, Jazz & World music
  • Link to Youtube, Spotify and IMSLP

Learn more..

Diversity Content

Let's Go!

Get in touch to chat about your curriculum needs and request an Auralia and Musition trial.

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