SMT 2024 Recap
Integrating global & popular music into the theory curriculum
At this year's SMT annual meeting, we had the pleasure of hosting Integrating global and popular music into the theory curriculum with special guests Adem Merter Birson PhD (NYU Steinhardt) & Trevor de Clercq PhD (Middle Tennessee State University). Adem and Trevor discussed the challenges of meeting the real-world needs of their students and their experiences of integrating global and popular music into their courses.
We are also proud to have worked with Adem and Trevor to curate Auralia and Musition worksheets to include global music and support Trevor's undergraduate music theory textbook 'The Practice of Popular Music'.
Theory & aural championship
Congratulations to Joon Park from University of Illinois Chicago who was the winner of our 2024 Theory & Aural Championship at the SMT Annual Conference.
Honorable mentions go to entries from University of Rochester, Florida State University, University of Florida, Shenandoah University, and Morehouse College.
AMS/SMT 2023 Recap
Reframing the Music Theory Curriculum
At the 2023 Society for Music Theory conference in Denver, we had the pleasure of hosting Reframing the Music Theory Curriculum with special guests Dr. Sarah Louden (NYU Steinhardt) & Dr. Paula Maust (Peabody Institute, ‘Expanding the Music Theory Canon’). Sarah & Paula shared their incredible work and thoughts on making music theory courses more relevant, engaging, and inclusive. Download the session slides here.
We are also proud to have partnered with Paula and SUNY Press to provide worksheets to accompany Paula's anthology 'Expanding the Music Theory Canon'.
Music Theory & Ear Training
Auralia® & Musition® provide comprehensive ear training and theory units for Fundamentals, and Theory & Aural I - IV courses. With thousands of questions drawing from the literature (including 900+ questions based on compositions by women composers and composers of colour plus 1000+ YouTube driven pop music questions) students can practice key skills within a real, musical context, anywhere on any device. Get in touch to request a trial.
- Fundamentals
- Theory & Aural I - IV Worksheets
- Placement exams
- Harmony & Analysis
- Diversity Content
- YouTube Integration
- Automatic Assessment
- Access anywhere, on any device
Get in touch to discuss your curriculum requirements.
Four-Part Writing with Automatic Assessment
Musition includes four-part writing with automatic assessment!
Let’s face it, this is going to save you loads of time (no more marking) and give your students clear, annotated feedback to guide their learning.
Sight Singing & Recording
Now your students can record and submit audio assessments directly in Auralia!
This is perfect for sight singing drills, keyboard and piano tests, plus developing imitation and improvisation skills. You could even use it for submitting performance recordings (entrance exams etc), sight-reading or sight-transposition questions.
YouTube Integration
Auralia now includes integrated YouTube video support with hundreds of questions. This is great for incorporating pop and contemporary based content in your ear training curriculum. You can embed any YouTube videos in your Auralia questions, worksheets and syllabi, and teach theory and aural concepts using diverse musical examples.. world music, movie soundtracks, video game music, musical theatre, pop music, western art music, and much more.
Diversify your curriculum
Expand your curriculum offering with the great new diversity content and features in Auralia and Musition
- Works by women composers
- Works by composers of color
- Pop, Jazz & World music
- Link to Youtube, Spotify and IMSLP
Let's Go!
Get in touch to chat about your curriculum needs and request an Auralia/Musition trial.