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Help not displaying

If you cannot see the Help in Auralia or Musition then you may have some old files that need removing. Delete all the files and folders that include Auralia or Musition in their name in the following folder.

Version 6 and 7

Location – Mac OSX 10.7+/Users/”YOUR LOGIN NAME”/Library/Application Support/Rising Software/cache
Location – Windows Vista, 7 and 10C:\Users\”YOUR LOGIN NAME”\AppData\Local\Rising Software\cache

Version 5

Location – Mac OSX 10.7+/Users/”YOUR LOGIN NAME”/Library/Application Support/QtProject/Assistant
Location – Windows Vista, 7 and 10C:\Users\”YOUR LOGIN NAME”\AppData\Local\QtProject\Assistant


Version 4

Location – Mac/Users/”YOUR LOGIN NAME”/Library/Application Support/Trolltech/Assistant
Location – Windows Vista, 7 and 10C:\Users\”YOUR LOGIN NAME”\AppData\Local\Trolltech\Assistant
Location – Windows XPC:\Documents and Settings\”YOUR LOGIN NAME”\Application Data\Trolltech\Assistant

If you continue to have problems please lodge a support request.