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LTI 1.1 with D2L Brightspace

D2L Brightspace - LTI 1.1

In Brightspace, the tools must be registered as follows, also please checkout our Brightspace video.

  1. Open up "Manage Tool Providers"
    • Create a new Tool Provider -
    • Add the Secret and Key that we have supplied
    • Most people enable all the checkboxes in the Security Settings
    • Ensure that it's available for the required courses
  2. Open "Manage External Learning Tools Links"
    • Add a Link for Auralia practise launch with details as above under 'Tool URL'
    • Add a Link for Musition practise launch with details as above under 'Tool URL'
    • Under Security Settings, check 'Use tool provider security settings'

Brightspace Gradebook Integration

To create a task where the results return to the Gradebook, instructors need to go to Content and add an "Existing Activity -> External Learning Tools" and then scroll down to "Create New LTI Link'. They will need to add the 'task launch URL' and a Grading Item to the Brightspace activity, so that the results will appear in the gradebook.

At this stage there is no simpler way to have 'Task Launches' created.