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Version Changes

Version 7 features some fantastic new features and loads of extra content!

Library - Four-Part Writing Questions

Musition now includes four-part writing with automatic assessment! This will save you loads of time and gives your students clear, annotated feedback to guide their learning.

  • Practise mode, allowing students to 'check' their answer
  • Errors can be soloed giving students the ability to isolate each issue
  • Exam mode, answer checking disabled or limited by the instructor

The new Four-Part Writing topic has a specially sequenced set of levels, all of which can be customised to suit your curriculum.  

All the rules, and scoring schemes are fully customizable to suit your curriculum needs. 

  • Parallel Unison/5ths/8ves
  • Voice crossing & overlapping
  • Hidden 5ths/8ves
  • Range & spacing
  • Leading tone resolution
  • Unequal 5ths & cross relations
  • Chordal 7th preparation & resolution
  • Chord Spelling including doubling & omissions
  • Illegal melodic intervals

Library - Sight Singing & Recording

Students can now record audio assessments in Auralia! This is perfect for sight singing drills, keyboard and piano tests, and developing imitation and improvisation. You can even use it for submitting performance recordings for entrance exams, sight-reading or sight-transposition questions.

  • Sight singing & reading
  • Performance recordings
  • Imitate - call and response
  • 2-part counterpoint singing
  • Sing or perform with a ‘backing track’
  • Practice choir parts

When you assign these questions to your students in a worksheet, you can set a timer on the entry, giving each student a restricted amount of time to view any notation and then submit their answer.

Tests & Courses

  • Entries can now be easily copied to other tests & courses (4540)
  • Timers now support seconds (5323)
  • Grading now supports the new Four-Part and Sight Singing questions (5305, 5264)
  • WSIWYG HTML editing now included for Display Entries (5173)
  • Entries now support overrides for metronome, count-in & starting pitch disabling (5368)
  • Courses are now (finally!) supported in the browser


  • Can now display first chord in the Notation Note question type (5215)
  • WSIWYG HTML editing now included for question instructions! (5173)


  • Notation stem direction on middle line now down by default (5156)
  • Updated colours - improved readiblity and accessibility (5312)
  • Filter button added to People list (5472)
  • Filter button added to Tests and Courses list (5484)
  • Mixed case first and last name now supported (5485)
  • Improved 'Staff' list on Classes (5473)


Version 7 also includes our diversity content; compositions by women composers and composers of colour, more than 800 questions in all.
Also included are our new questions, syllabus content and worksheets (100+) to support college Theory & Aural I-IV and Fundamentals sequences.  These units focus on specific harmonic vocabulary as a basis for delivery of melodic dictation, and harmonic dictation & analysis content, and often include questions drawn from the repertoire.

Detailed information on the pages below.


We've also updated the browser admin with loads more features, making it easy to manage your classes with your phone or tablet!

  • People - student and class management
  • Results - test & course scores & review
  • Tests & Courses - basic settings, assignment
  • LMS Tasks - quick linking in Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle etc

Reports & Results

  • Times now always include seconds (5244, 5245, 5501, 5502)
  • Rounding errors in some practise reports resolved (5325)
  • Updated colours, improved readability (5381)